Welcome to the complete NCERT solutions for Class 7 English - An Alien Hand Chapter 5: Golu Grows A Nose. In this section, we provide detailed, easy-to-understand solutions for all the questions from this chapter. Whether you're preparing for exams or seeking a deeper understanding of the subject, these Golu Grows A Nose question answers will offer you valuable insights and explanations. Each solution is crafted to ensure conceptual clarity and step-by-step problem-solving methods, enabling students to grasp the core themes and excel in their academics.
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What made Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to the zoo?
“I became one of the tiger’s favourites”. Who is ‘I’ in the statement? Why did he think so?
When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?
1. The story of an ant’s life sounds almost untrue. The italicised phrase means
(i) highly exaggerated.
(ii) too remarkable to be true.
(iii) not based on facts.
Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet?
Why did Chandni hate the rope round her neck?
Name two things the elephant can do with his trunk, and two he cannot.
Why did he buy a young goat?
Grandmother’s prophecy was that the tiger
(i) would prefer Mahmoud’s bed to sleep in.
(ii) and the cook would disappear together from the house.
(iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud.
Mark the right answer.
The tiger was still licking his arm, with increasing relish. The phrase in italics suggests that Timothy
(i) was good natured.
(ii) recognised an old friend.
(iii) smelt fresh food.
What was Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook? Did it come true?
Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”. What was the damage?
Kari learnt the commands to sit and to walk. What were the instructions for each command?
Mention three things we can learn from the ‘tiny teacher’. Give reasons for choosing these items.
Was the customer interested in the care and feeding of the doves he had bought? If not, why not?
“I became one of the tiger’s favourites”. Who is ‘I’ in the statement? Why did he think so?
1. The story of an ant’s life sounds almost untrue. The italicised phrase means
(i) highly exaggerated.
(ii) too remarkable to be true.
(iii) not based on facts.
Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him?
What jobs are new ants trained for?
When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?