(i) The common name of Periplaneta americana is the American cockroach.
(ii) Four pairs of spermathecae are present between sixth and the ninth segments. They help in receiving and storing the spermatozoa during copulation.
(iii) In a cockroach, the pair of ovaries is located between 12th and 13th abdominal segments.
(iv) In both sexes, the abdomen of a cockroach consists of ten segments.
(v) Malphigian tubules are excretory organs of cockroaches. They form a part of the alimentary canal.
Define a taxon. Give some examples of taxa at different hierarchical levels.
What are the steps involved in formation of a root nodule?
How are viroids different from viruses?
Ans 3 is wrong
who has written the answer iii. doesnt he even knows that cockroaches have total 10 segments. the answer iii should be bet 2nd - 6th segment