Welcome to the Chapter - , Class 11 Biology - NCERT Solutions page. Here, we provide detailed question answers for Chapter - .The page is designed to help students gain a thorough understanding of the concepts related to natural resources, their classification, and sustainable development.
Our solutions explain each answer in a simple and comprehensive way, making it easier for students to grasp key topics and excel in their exams. By going through these question answers, you can strengthen your foundation and improve your performance in Class 11 Biology. Whether you're revising or preparing for tests, this chapter-wise guide will serve as an invaluable resource.
Define a taxon. Give some examples of taxa at different hierarchical levels.
What are the steps involved in formation of a root nodule?
Distinguish between
(a) IRV and ERV
(b) Inspiratory capacity and Expiratory capacity
(c) Vital capacity and Total lung capacity
Write the differences between:
(a) Blood and Lymph
(b) Open and Closed system of circulation
(c) Systole and Diastole
(d) P-wave and T-wave