Class 11 Biology Biological Classification : NCERT Solutions for Question 7

This page focuses on the detailed Biological Classification question answers for Class 11 Biology Biological Classification , addressing the question: 'Plants are autotrophic. Can you think of some plants that are partially heterotrophic?'. The solution provides a thorough breakdown of the question, highlighting key concepts and approaches to arrive at the correct answer. This easy-to-understand explanation will help students develop better problem-solving skills, reinforcing their understanding of the chapter and aiding in exam preparation.
Question 7

Plants are autotrophic. Can you think of some plants that are partially heterotrophic?


Plants have autotrophic mode of nutrition as they have the ability to synthesize their own organic food by process of photosynthesis due to presence of green pigments chlerophylum. However, some insectivorous plants are partially heterotrophic. They have various means of capturing insects so as to supplement their diet with Nitrogen derived from insects, as they live in nitrogen deficient soil. The examples include pitcher plant (Nepenthes), Venus fly trap, Bladderwort and sundew plant (Drosera).

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