Q1 |
Asexual reproduction takes place through budding in
(a) amoeba.
(b) yeast.
(c) plasmodium.
(d) leishmania. |
Ans: |
Yeast is a unicellular fungi and reproduces asexually by the formation of spores. During the process of budding, the parent cell produces a small bud which grows in size. Then, the parent cell nucleus divides and the daughter nuclei goes in the bud. And then the bud gets detached and grow separately like a new individual on the substratum.
Q2 |
Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system in human beings?
(a) Ovary
(b) Uterus
(c) Vas deferens
(d) Fallopian tube |
Ans: |
Vas deferens
Vas deferens is a tiny muscular tube found in male reproductive system, which carries sperms from epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts.
Q3 |
The anther contains
(a) sepals.
(b) ovules.
(c) pistil.
(d) pollen grains. |
Ans: |
(d) Pollen grains
Anther is the male part of the flower. It consists of pollen grains and they carried to the stigma (female part of the flower) through various agents like butterflies, wind, water for the process of reproduction.
Q4 |
What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction? |
Ans: |
Reproduction is a process to produce a young one similar to their parents genetically or morphologically. There are two modes of reproduction:- asexual or sexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction is the process of forming a diploid cell zygote from one haploid male gamete or one haploid female gamete. In this two parents are involved, and when a offspring is formed than variation occurs and variation is the key factor of the evolution. If there is no variation, population cannot respond to the changing environment and may face an risk of being extinct from the environment.
Asexual reproduction is the process of making two or more daughter cells from one parent cell, i.e, only one parent is involved. So, there is no variation occurs as in sexual reproduction occurs. It is dynamic, static where no evolution occurs in their morphological characters, where each offspring is genetically or morphologically identical to each other.
The long term survival period happens in sexual reproduction than asexual because of the variation. When genetic variation occurs, it helps the organism to survive in the drastic environmental changes.
Q5 |
What are the functions performed by the testis in human beings? |
Ans: |
Testis are the primary sex organs in male reproductive system. It helps in maintaining the health of male body. sperm produces in seminiferous tubules, and also produces a hormone like androgen called testosterone and secrets inhibin protein. Testosterone is the male sex hormone helps in developing the male reproductive tissues like testis or prostate or in the growth of body muscles and hair. |
Q6 |
Why does menstruation occur? |
Ans: |
Menstruation occurs at the time of puberty in females. Menstruation occurs to prevent the pregnancy phase. It releases the tissues which supports the foetus to grow during the pregnancy. Menstruation is the bleeding phase, where an egg released by female does not get fertilized or attached to the uterine wall then uterine lining dies due to deficiency of hormone (progesterone), and the lining of fallopian tube breaks down and then the blood oozes out from the ruptured vessels through the vaginal opening.

Q7 |
Draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of a flower. |
Ans: |
Q8 |
What are the different methods of contraception? |
Ans: |
There are various birth control methods which prevent fertilization (meeting of a sperm to ovum to form a zygote) is known as contraception. There are mainly three major types of contraception:-
Temporary methods
Permanent method
Medical termination of pregnancy
Temporary methods:- they contain natural, barrier or physiological methods of the birth control. In natural, Lactation amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) method is used, where there is intense lactation occurs during the absence of periods in females which prevents from the birth control. In barrier methods- condoms, cervical caps, vaults and Intrauterine devices are used for the contraception. Or, in physiological devices oral pills or injections can be taken for the birth control which confirms the ovulation occurance in females by secreting the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) or LH (Luteinizing hormone).
Permanent method:- it is a surgical method for the birth control. In man it is known as Vasectomy or in females it is known as tubectomy. Vasectomy is the process of removal of short segment of each vas deferens and tying up of the remaining ends tightly with the surgical thread. And tubectomy is the process of removal of fallopian tube and the remaining ends are tied up tightly with the surgical thread.
Medical termination of pregnancy:- also called induced abortion. It is the voluntary termination of a pregnancy before the foetus making. It is done to get rid of unwanted pregnancy, rapes etc.
Q9 |
How are the modes for reproduction different in unicellular and multicellular organisms? |
Ans: |
In unicellular organisms, asexual reproduction occurs where there is only one parent is involved and no gamete production or parthenogenesis occurs, where one parent cell gets divided into two or multiple daughter cells by binary or multiple fission (eg. Binary fission shown in bacteria, amoeba, planarians and multiple fission shown in plasmodium).
In multicellular organisms, sexual reproduction occurs where two parents are involved to form a zygote or parthenogenesis occurs. All mammals human beings, apes etc. show sexual reproduction process where mother shows viviparity, i.e, gives birth directly to the young ones. |
Q10 |
How does reproduction help in providing stability to populations of species? |
Ans: |
Organisms survive only to reproduce. Reproduction is very important for the stability to populations of species by extending their genernation or the population of same species from the existing generation. It also helps in the study of evolution by recording the data of their ancestors to the new generation of same species. |
Q11 |
What could be the reasons for adopting contraceptive methods? |
Ans: |
There can be many reasons for adopting contraceptive methods:-
The main reason for adopting the contraceptive methods is birth control or the population control.
Condoms are the safeguard against the infection of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or STD (sexually transmitted diseases)
The induced abortion method of contraception is used to get rid of unwanted pregnancy by the unprotected intercourse, when women get raped by someone, or where mother’s life or foetus is in danger and when women is not able to conceive the baby due to the weak immune system of the baby.