Arrange the following
(i) CaH2, BeH2 and TiH2 in order of increasing electrical conductance.
(ii) LiH, NaH and CsH in order of increasing ionic character.
(iii) H-H, D-D and F-F in order of increasing bond dissociation enthalpy.
(iv) NaH, MgH2 and H2O in order of increasing reducing property.
(i) The electrical conductance of a molecule depends upon its ionic or covalent nature. Ionic compounds conduct, whereas covalent compounds do not.
BeH2 is a covalent hydride. Hence, it does not conduct. CaH2 is an ionic hydride, which conducts electricity in the molten state. Titanium hydride, TiH2 is metallic in nature and conducts electricity at room temperature. Hence, the increasing order of electrical conductance is as follows:
BeH2 < CaH2 < TiH2
(ii) The ionic character of a bond is dependent on the electronegativities of the atoms involved. The higher the difference between the electronegativities of atoms, the smaller is the ionic character.
Electronegativity decreases down the group from Lithium to Caesium. Hence, the ionic character of their hydrides will increase (as shown below).
LiH < NaH < CsH
(iii) Bond dissociation energy depends upon the bond strength of a molecule, which in turn depends upon the attractive and repulsive forces present in a molecule.
The bond pair in D-D bond is more strongly attracted by the nucleus than the bond pair in H-H bond. This is because of the higher nuclear mass of D2. The stronger the attraction, the greater will be the bond strength and the higher is the bond dissociation enthalpy. Hence, the bond dissociation enthalpy of D-D is higher than H-H.
However, bond dissociation enthalpy is the minimum in the case of F-F. The bond pair experiences strong repulsion from the lone pairs present on each F-centre.
Therefore, the increasing order of bond dissociation enthalpy is as follows:
F-F < H-H < D-D
(iv) Ionic hydrides are strong reducing agents. NaH can easily donate its electrons. Hence, it is most reducing in nature.
Both, MgH2 and H2O are covalent hydrides. H2O is less reducing than MgH2 since the bond dissociation energy of H2O is higher than MgH2.
Hence, the increasing order of the reducing property is
H2O < MgH2 < NaH.
Justify the position of hydrogen in the periodic table on the basis of its electronic configuration.
Compare the structures of H2O and H2O2.
Write chemical reactions to show the amphoteric nature of water.
Discuss the principle and method of softening of hard water by synthetic ion-exchange resins.
What do you understand by the term “non-stoichiometric hydrides”? Do you expect this type of the hydrides to be formed by alkali metals? Justify your answer.
What is meant by 'demineralised' water and how can it be obtained?
What causes the temporary and permanent hardness of water?
How does H2O2 behave as a bleaching agent?
Why does hydrogen occur in a diatomic form rather than in a monoatomic form under normal conditions?
Describe the bulk preparation of dihydrogen by electrolytic method. What is the role of an electrolyte in this process?
How do you account for the formation of ethane during chlorination of methane?
What are hybridisation states of each carbon atom in the following compounds ?
(i) CH2=C=O,
(ii) CH3CH=CH2,
(iii) (CH3)2CO,
(iv) CH2=CHCN,
(v) C6H6
What will be the minimum pressure required to compress 500 dm3 of air at 1 bar to 200 dm3 at 30°C?
What are the common physical and chemical features of alkali metals?
Calculate the molecular mass of the following:
(i) H2O
(ii) CO2
(iii) CH4
Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the following species:
(a) NaH2PO4
(b) NaHSO4
(c) H4P2O7
(d) K2MnO4
(e) CaO2
(f) NaBH4
(g) H2S2O7
(h) KAl(SO4)2.12 H2O
What is the basic theme of organisation in the periodic table?
Explain the formation of a chemical bond.
Choose the correct answer. A thermodynamic state function is a quantity
(i) used to determine heat changes
(ii) whose value is independent of path
(iii) used to determine pressure volume work
(iv) whose value depends on temperature only.
A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapour in a sealed container at a fixed temperature. The volume of the container is suddenly increased.
a) What is the initial effect of the change on vapour pressure?
b) How do rates of evaporation and condensation change initially?
c) What happens when equilibrium is restored finally and what will be the final vapour pressure?
For your agricultural field or garden you have developed a compost producing pit. Discuss the process in the light of bad odour, flies and recycling of wastes for a good produce.
A mixture of dihydrogen and dioxygen at one bar pressure contains 20% by weight of dihydrogen. Calculate the partial pressure of dihydrogen.
What will be the mass of one 12C atom in g?
Explain the following reactions
(a) Silicon is heated with methyl chloride at high temperature in the presence of copper;
(b) Silicon dioxide is treated with hydrogen fluoride;
(c) CO is heated with ZnO;
(d) Hydrated alumina is treated with aqueous NaOH solution
Draw the cis and trans structures of hex-2-ene. Which isomer will have higher b.p. and why?
For the reaction at 298 K,
2A + B → C
ΔH = 400 kJ mol-1and ΔS = 0.2 kJ K-1mol-1
At what temperature will the reaction become spontaneous considering ΔH and ΔS to be constant over the temperature range?
Reaction between N2 and O2– takes place as follows:
2N2 (g) + O2 (g) ↔ 2N2O (g)
If a mixture of 0.482 mol N2 and 0.933 mol of O2 is placed in a 10 L reaction vessel and allowed to form N2O at a temperature for which Kc = 2.0 × 10–37, determine the composition of equilibrium mixture.
What is Kc for the following equilibrium when the equilibrium concentration of each substance is: [SO2]= 0.60 M, [O2] = 0.82 M and [SO3] = 1.90 M ?
2SO2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2SO3(g)
The best and latest technique for isolation, purification and separation of organic compounds is:
(a) Crystallisation
(b) Distillation
(c) Sublimation
(d) Chromatography
In a process, 701 J of heat is absorbed by a system and 394 J ofwork is done by the system. What is the change in internal energy for the process?