Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination

  • Inequality means that people are not equal on the terms of economic conditions and opportunities that have been given to them.
  • Discrimination is the process of separating one person from another on the basis of caste, creed and colour.
  • Prejudice is to judge negatively or to see them inferiorly. Example: we judge people on the basis of their languages.
  • Stereotype is, fix people into one image. Example: we create stereotype when we say anyone criminal.
  • Untouchable person means person engaged in excavation and in removal of dead animals.
  • India has more than 1600 languages as mother tongue and more than 100 folk dances. There are something around 80 major religions in the world and India practices single one of them.
  • There is a very common stereotype that Muslim girls are not well educated because there family background is not interested in teaching them. And, that is why they are able to attend the school and sometimes drop the year.
  • On the basis of castes, people have created a ladder in which they have created themselves as the upper caste and the lower caste. They had an orthodox mentality that upper caste people are inferior and the lower caste one are unworthy and are often called untouchables.
  • In early times the untouchables were not allowed to come in the temples of the villages and were force to work as garbage picker and in has to remove the skin of dead animals in the village.
  • Untouchable children were not allowed to sit with other children in the classroom.
  • Dr. BR. Ambedkar is the father of the Indian constitution and were the first person of his caste who completed his studies in college and went to England to study law and became a lawyer. He was born in Mahar caste. Later on he converted himself into Buddhism to search a religion in which where all people were treated equally. He fought for the dalits right.
  • Now, everyone has their own rights in our Indian constitutions and it is seen to be crime to have untouchability in the country and it has been legally abolished by the law.
  • India is secular country now and practices freedom. This is an important element of unity.

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