Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

  • The process of inhaling of oxygen and exhaling of carbon- dioxide is called as breathing.
  • The process of breakdown of food in cells is known as cellular respiration.
  • The organisms who does not need oxygen for respiration are known as anaerobes.
  • Respiration is of two types- aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
  • The respiration which need oxygen or which occur in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.
  • The respiration which occur in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration.
  • Muscles respire anaerobically this respiration process occur due to the lack of oxygen.
  • Breathing rate is defined as the number of breathes in one minute.
  • Diaphragm is the muscular sheet which forms a floor for the chest cavity and it protects the delicate organs like heart.
  • Process of respiration is -air from environment- nasal cavity- lungs.
  • Rib cage is a structure of bones in which is connected to backbone.
  • As we inhale air inside, size of diaphragm increases.
  • On exhalation, size of diaphragm decreases.
  • In human body a pair of lungs is present which purify air.
  • For the exchange of gases insects chewing a network of air tubes called trachea.
  • Exchange of gases takes place through skin in earthworm.
  • Unlike humans, fishes have gills with higher blood supply for breathing.
  • Exchange of gases takes place through stomata which are present on the surface of leaves in plants.

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