Question 19

Find the sum of the products of the corresponding terms of the sequences 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 128, 32, 8, 2, 1 half.


Required sum = 2 × 128 + 4 × 32 + 8 × 8 + 16 × 2 + 32 ×1 half

equals space 64 space open square brackets 4 space plus space 2 space plus space 1 space plus 1 half space plus space 1 over 2 squared close square brackets

Here, 4, 2, 1, 1 half comma space 1 over 2 squared is a G.P.

First term, a = 4

Common ratio, r =1 half

It is known that, 

S subscript n space equals space fraction numerator a space open parentheses 1 minus r to the power of n close parentheses over denominator 1 minus r end fraction

therefore space S subscript 5 space equals space fraction numerator 4 open square brackets 1 minus open parentheses begin display style 1 half end style close parentheses to the power of 5 close square brackets over denominator 1 minus begin display style 1 half end style end fraction equals fraction numerator 4 open square brackets 1 minus begin display style 1 over 32 end style close square brackets over denominator begin display style 1 half end style end fraction equals fraction numerator 8 open parentheses 32 minus 1 close parentheses over denominator 32 end fraction equals 31 over 4
therefore space R e q u i r e d space s u m space equals space 64 space open parentheses 31 over 4 close parentheses space equals space open parentheses 16 close parentheses open parentheses 31 close parentheses space equals 496


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