How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings?
Exchange of the gases – oxygen and carbon dioxide, take place in various ways in the human beings.
Transport of the oxygen occurs in the two forms:- one is in the form of solution, dissolved oxygen in water and about 3% of the solution present in the plasma. And, another form is oxyhaemoglobin, about 97 percent of oxygen diffuses from plasma into the red blood cells and it loosely joins with iron of haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin and then it combines with one oxygen molecule.
Carbon dioxide transport is carried by the blood in the three forms:- physical solution, bicarbonate ions and carbaminohemoglobin. About 7% of the carbon dioxide dissolves in the plasma and serve as a physical solution. In the bicarbonate ions 70% carbon dioxide released by tissue cells, diffuses into the plasma and then into the red blood cells. Carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid by the carbonic anhydrase enzyme, then this acid splits into bicarbonate and hydrogen ion. And, they are joined by the sodium and potassium to maintain pH of the blood. And about 23% of the CO2 enters into the red blood cells and combines with amino group of the reduced Hb (haemoglobin) to form carbaminohemoglobin.
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Draw the structure for the following compounds.
(i) Ethanoic acid (ii) Bromopentane*
(iii) Butanone (iv) Hexanal.
*Are structural isomers possible for bromopentane?
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(b) What property do all elements in the same column of the Periodic Table as fluorine have in common?
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Write a balanced chemical equation with state symbols for the following reactions:
Give an example of a metal which
(i) is a liquid at room temperature.
(ii) can be easily cut with a knife.
(iii) is the best conductor of heat.
(iv) is a poor conductor of heat.
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Choose the correct option.
The magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid-carrying current
(a) is zero.
(b) decreases as we move towards its end.
(c) increases as we move towards its end.
(d) is the same at all points.
Write the balanced chemical equation for the following and identify the type of reaction in each case.
(a) Potassium bromide(aq) + Barium iodide(aq) → Potassium iodide(aq) + Barium bromide(s)
(b) Zinc carbonate(s) → Zinc oxide(s) + Carbon dioxide(g)
(c) Hydrogen(g) + Chlorine(g) → Hydrogen chloride(g)
(d) Magnesium(s) + Hydrochloric acid(aq) → Magnesium chloride(aq) + Hydrogen(g
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