Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

  • The unused or waste material called garbage.
  • Garbage is of different kinds like household waste, factory waste, industrial waste etc.
  • Landfill is the area where all the garbage is collected.
  • Prime minister launched Swach Bharat Mission (SBM) in India, 2 October 2019.
  • Garbage is of two types: biodegradable and non- biodegradable.
  • The waste which can be decomposed by microorganisms are called biodegradable.
  • The waste which cannot be decomposed by microorganisms are called non-biodegradable.
  • Vermicomposting is the method of preparing compost with the help of earthworms.
  • Plastic is a non- biodegradable waste, microorganisms cannot decompose it. So, we should avoid the use of plastic.
  • Paper made by cutting the trees. So we should avoid to waste the paper and it can be recycled.

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