Write Lewis symbols for the following atoms and ions:
S and S2–; Al and Al3+; H and H–
(i) S and S2– Electronic configuration of S is [Ne]10 3s23p4, i.e it has 6 electrons in its valence shell,therefore The Lewis dot symbol of sulphur (S) is . The dinegative charge shows that there will be two electrons more in addition to the six valence electrons. The electronic configuration can be [Ne]10 3s23p6, Hence, the Lewis dot symbol of S2– is
(ii) Al and Al3+ The electronic configuration of Aluminium is [Ne]10 3s2 3p1, i.e the valence electron is 3,therefore The Lewis dot symbol of aluminium (Al) is . The tripositive charge on a species infers that it has donated its three electrons to other atom & its possible electronic configuration is [Ne]10 3s1. Hence, the Lewis dot symbol is
(iii) H and H– Hydrogen has electronic configuration of 1s1,it has 1 electron in its valence shell. The Lewis dot symbol of hydrogen (H) is . The uninegative charge infers that there will be one electron more in addition to the one valence electron. The possible configuration may be 1s2. Hence, the Lewis dot symbol is
What is meant by the term bond order? Calculate the bond order of: N2, O2,O2+,and O2-.
Use molecular orbital theory to explain why the Be2 molecule does not exist.
Explain the formation of H2 molecule on the basis of valence bond theory.
Compare the relative stability of the following species and indicate their magnetic properties:
O2,O2+,O2- (superoxide), O22-(peroxide)
Describe the hybridisation in case of PCl5. Why are the axial bonds longer as compared to equatorial bonds?
Which out of NH3 and NF3 has higher dipole moment and why?
Explain why BeH2 molecule has a zero dipole moment although the Be–H bonds are polar.
Discuss the shape of the following molecules using the VSEPR model:
BeCl2, BCl3, SiCl4, AsF5, H2S, PH3
Draw the Lewis structures for the following molecules and ions: H2S, SiCl4, BeF2, , HCOOH
Describe the change in hybridisation (if any) of the Al atom in the following reaction.
How do you account for the formation of ethane during chlorination of methane?
What are hybridisation states of each carbon atom in the following compounds ?
(i) CH2=C=O,
(ii) CH3CH=CH2,
(iii) (CH3)2CO,
(iv) CH2=CHCN,
(v) C6H6
What will be the minimum pressure required to compress 500 dm3 of air at 1 bar to 200 dm3 at 30°C?
What are the common physical and chemical features of alkali metals?
Calculate the molecular mass of the following:
(i) H2O
(ii) CO2
(iii) CH4
Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the following species:
(a) NaH2PO4
(b) NaHSO4
(c) H4P2O7
(d) K2MnO4
(e) CaO2
(f) NaBH4
(g) H2S2O7
(h) KAl(SO4)2.12 H2O
What is the basic theme of organisation in the periodic table?
Choose the correct answer. A thermodynamic state function is a quantity
(i) used to determine heat changes
(ii) whose value is independent of path
(iii) used to determine pressure volume work
(iv) whose value depends on temperature only.
A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapour in a sealed container at a fixed temperature. The volume of the container is suddenly increased.
a) What is the initial effect of the change on vapour pressure?
b) How do rates of evaporation and condensation change initially?
c) What happens when equilibrium is restored finally and what will be the final vapour pressure?
Justify the position of hydrogen in the periodic table on the basis of its electronic configuration.
What do you understand by isoelectronic species? Name a species that will be isoelectronic with each of the following atoms or ions.
(i) F–
(ii) Ar
(iii) Mg2+
(iv) Rb+
In some of the reactions thallium resembles aluminium, whereas in others it resembles with group I metals. Support this statement by giving some evidences.
Equilibrium constant, Kc for the reaction
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ↔ 2NH3 (g) at 500 K is 0.061
At a particular time, the analysis shows that composition of the reaction mixture is 3.0 mol L–1 N2, 2.0 mol L–1 H2 and 0.5 mol L–1 NH3.
Is the reaction at equilibrium?
If not in which direction does the reaction tend to proceed to reach equilibrium?
A certain particle carries 2.5 × 10–16C of static electric charge. Calculate the number of electrons present in it.
The equilibrium constant expression for a gas reaction is,
Write the balanced chemical equation corresponding to this expression.
Explain why alkyl groups act as electron donors when attached to a π system.
Explain, giving reasons, which of the following sets of quantum numbers are not possible.
a n = 0 l = 0 ml = 0
b n = 1 l = 0 ml = 0
c n = 1 l = 1 ml = 0
d n = 2 l = 1 ml = 0
e n = 3 l = 3 ml = – 3
f n = 3 l = 1 ml = 0
Which of the followings are Lewis acids? H2O, BF3, H+ and NH+4
Discuss the pattern of variation in the oxidation states of
(i) B to Tl and (ii) C to Pb.
Why do elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties?
Better answers for my questions you gave me
Nice ans it give with explanation
It is. Very use full for all student
was very helpful. thank you.