In today’s electronic world, where children are even used to mobile and TV, yoga for students be the most important things to grow your child healthy. In this article we will learn 5 easy but very important yoga, to keep the students healthy and fit.
The biggest problem is when the children are sick because many times they are unable to express themselves by saying or cannot bear the pain. And their parents are unable to see their problems. But if children are made to do yoga or exercise regularly, then their immunity power will be correct and they will fall sick less. So in today’s article, we are telling you some yoga asanas, which not only help children develop completely but also cause them to fall ill less. Just get the children to do this Yogasana daily for only 5 minutes and ensure their complete development.
5 Essential Yoga For Students
There must be at least 30 minutes of yoga practice and exercise for the children. Usually, children spend 14-16 hours studying, tuition, going to school, eating, drinking and sleeping. In the midst of this run-of-the-mill life and broken family, children have started living a mechanical life.
Benefits of Yoga For Students
Along with bringing health and awareness in children, yoga and asanas make them vigorous and bright and at the same time, they are helpful in bringing awareness towards the country and the society.
- It is helpful in increasing the height.
- Increases concentration.
- Reduces mental stress.
- Increases physical flexibility.
- It is helpful in increasing memory.
- Regular practice of Pranayama increases the health of the lungs and provides relief from respiratory diseases.
- Regular practice of yoga brings mental strength and students can contribute to the society and country
Every child must do Pranayam daily for 5-10 minutes so that their memory and concentration can increase. Along with this, due to the supply of plenty of oxygen in the lungs, health also prevails. But only pranayama does not work, the practice of yoga asanas is also essential for physical and mental health.
So let us discuss the five best easy yoga poses for children which will make them fit and fit.
1. Shirsasana (Head stand pose or sirsasana)
Shirshasana is made up of two words, head and asana. Shirshasana is called the king of asanas. Children should do this asana for 1 to 2 minutes.

Benefits: Shirshasana sharpens the mind of children and increases concentration. Those whose mind is not engaged in studies, start paying attention to studies. Since the flow of pure blood from this asana is towards the brain, then the eye, Ears, nose etc get healthy. This asana heals the pituitary and pineal gland, which activates the brain and improves memory, intelligence and concentration.
Read sirsasana in detail: Sirsasana steps, benefits, and precautions
2. Sarvangasana for students
It comes second in the list of most beneficial asanas. Those who cannot do Shirshasana or those who are prohibited from doing Shirshasana can also do Sarvangasana. This asana can be done for 1-2 minutes.

Sarvangasana Benefits: Due to the activation of the thyroid and pituitary glands by this asana, it helps in increasing the height of the children. The rest of the benefits like an increase in brain power, and help in concentration, are similar to Shirshasan. This asana gives relief from tiredness and tension.
3. Halasana (Plow Pose) for students
Your children definitely learn this asana. The spine can be made healthy and flexible by this asana. Due to this children can be effective in sports, exercise, and athletics. This asana also removes the problem of obesity in children.
Children who cannot do Halasana should practice Mandukasana or Shasakasana.

4. Chakrasana (Wheel pose or upward-facing bow)
Chakrasana is a beneficial asana for children. The spine becomes flexible through the practice of this asana. Appetite also feels good and intestines become active. As a result of the practice of this asana, the energy in the body, strength, and brightness of the face increases. It works like a panacea for children who have breathing problems, headaches, or eye disorders.

Chakrasana steps:
Lie on your back with your knees bent. The heels should be as near to the buttocks as possible. Maintain equilibrium by keeping both hands upside down behind the shoulders at a small distance. Inhale and raise your waist and chest. Slowly pull the hands and feet closer together, so that the body forms a circle.
Read chakrasana (wheel pose) in detail: Chakrasana steps, benefits, and precautions
5. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Yoga Pose)

Paschimottanasana is a very beneficial asana for school-going students. By practising this asana, the back muscles of children expand and become healthy. Due to the contraction of the muscles of the stomach, the health of the stomach improves. According to Yoga Shastras, this asana directs the Prana towards the Sushumna, which helps in the awakening of the Kundalini. Children’s concentration increases and their mind is also engaged in studies.
Also Read: Healthy Eating Slogans For Kids
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