Class 9 Science - Chapter Natural Resources NCERT Solutions | How does the atmosphere act as a blanket

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Science - Chapter Natural Resources. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 2: how does the atmosphere act as a blanket....
Question 2

How does the atmosphere act as a blanket?


The atmosphere acts as a blanket by performing the following functions:

(a) Ozone absorbs harmful UV radiations coming from the Sun.

(b) Carbon-dioxide and water vapours trap the heat and regulate the temperature of the Earth by keeping it ambient by absorbing heat rays during the day and by reflecting the heat trapped during the daytime at night.

(c) It slows down the escape of heat from the surface of the Earth into outer space during night time.

Therefore, the atmosphere covers and protects the Earth like a blanket.

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