What causes winds?
Wind is caused by a difference in atmospheric pressure. Around areas of low pressure, air rises upwards in the atmosphere as air rises upwards, more air moves in (sideways) to replace it. As a result, a region of low pressure is created. Then, air from a high pressure region moves to a low pressure region, causing wind.
List any three human activities that you think would lead to air pollution.
Why is the atmosphere essential for life?
Why do organisms need water?
Why is water essential for life?
We know that many human activities lead to increasing levels of pollution of the air, water-bodies and soil. Do you think that isolating these activities to specific and limited areas would help in reducing pollution?
List any three human activities which would lead to an increase in the carbon dioxide content of air.
How does the atmosphere act as a blanket?
How is our atmosphere different from the atmospheres on Venus and Mars?
You have seen weather reports on television and in newspapers. How do you think we are able to predict the weather?
What is the greenhouse effect?
Which of the following has more inertia: (a) a rubber ball and a stone of the same size? (b) a bicycle and a train? (c) a five-rupees coin and a one-rupee coin?
State the universal law of gravitation.
Which of the following are matter?
Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, thought, cold, cold-drink, smell of perfume.
A force of 7 N acts on an object. The displacement is, say 8 m, in the direction of the force (Fig. 11.3). Let us take it that the force acts on the object through the displacement. What is the work done in this case?
What is meant by a pure substance?
How does the sound produced by a vibrating object in a medium reach your ear?
In a reaction, 5.3 g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6 g of ethanoic acid. The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g water and 8.2 g of sodium observations are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass.
sodium carbonate + ethanoic acid → sodium ethanoate + carbon dioxide + water
What are canal rays?
State any two conditions essential for good health.
Who discovered cells, and how?
Hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of 1:8 by mass to form water. What mass of oxygen gas would be required to react completely with 3 g of hydrogen gas?
What does the odometer of an automobile measure?
Explain the working and application of a sonar.
Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield.
Two persons manage to push a motorcar of mass 1200 kg at a uniform velocity along a level road. The same motorcar can be pushed by three persons to produce an acceleration of 0.2 m s-2. With what force does each person push the motorcar? (Assume that all persons push the motorcar with the same muscular effort.)
The average atomic mass of a sample of an element X is 16.2 u. What are the percentages of isotopes 168 X and 188 X in the sample?
How will you separate a mixture containing kerosene and petrol (difference in their boiling points is more than 25oC), which are miscible with each other?
A 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 wagons, each of 2000 kg, along a horizontal track. If the engine exerts a force of 40000 N and the track offers a friction force of 5000 N, then calculate:
(a) the net accelerating force;
(b) the acceleration of the train; and
(c) the force of wagon 1 on wagon 2.
Abdul, while driving to school, computes the average speed for his trip to be 20 km h-1. On his return trip along the same route, there is less traffic and the average speed is 40 km h-1. What is the average speed for Abdul’s trip?
What is the work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving round the earth? Justify your answer.