Class 12 Physics Electric Charges and Field: NCERT Solutions for Question 23

This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question NCERT Class 12th Physics - Electric Charges and Field | an infinite line charge produces a field of 9 tim Answer from NCERT Class 12th Physics, Chapter Electric Charges and Field.
Question 23

An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 × 104 N/C at a distance of 2 cm. Calculate the linear charge density.


Electric field produced by the infinite line charges at a distance d having linear charge density λ is given by the relation,


d = 2 cm = 0.02 m

E = 9 × 104 N/C

0 = Permittivity of free space

= 9 × 109 N m2 C−2

= 10 μC/m

Therefore, the linear charge density is 10 μC/m.

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